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Best Diving in Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia

The natural beauty of Papua are still rare Virgin, make this area is still beautiful, and becoming an attractive tourist destination. Raja Ampat is a famous area in Papua which has attracted the attention of tourists all over the world. Natural beauty, flora, fauna and the friendliness of its people are indeed very charming, very inappropriate if this area was dubbed as a paradise of the world.

Raja Ampat Islands residents most of the profession as a fisherman. They lived in a small village is separated from the village of others due to different islands. The community is friendly and kind. They want to receive foreign guests with joyful hearts. Raja Ampat Islands population is partly converted to Christianity, and some converted to Islam, but they still get along well despite different beliefs. My advice, bring sweets and betel nut to be given to them because they consider such items is a sign of peace.

Raja Ampat Resort
Raja Ampat Resort
The name of Raja Ampat is derived from the story of the local community. According to the story, there was a woman who found 7 eggs. The eggs then hatch, 4 of which hatched into a Prince, while the other 3 eggs hatch into a lady, a rock, and ghosts. 4 the Prince became King in each island, the island of Waigeo, Misool, Batanta and Salawati Island so eventually called as Raja Ampat.

Raja Ampat Islands have a very natural tourism potential is incredible. Attractions in West Papua is very famous for its underwater tourism, which is one of the best diving spots in the world, because of the comprehensiveness and diversity of flora and fauna under the sea.

The sea with the coral reefs of the world's most complete

Based on analysis results, Raja Ampat Islands have seventy fifth of all coral species within the world. there's no alternative place within the world, with the amount of coral species that abundant in one location. With such a large amount of species of corals in Raja Ampat Islands, mechanically there are several species of reef fish. additionally you'll additionally meet with manta rays, Mermaid, seahorse, fish, Barracuda, reef sharks, turtles, Tunas, and others. The remnants of the second world war can be found in the waters of Raja Ampat Islands, such as the wreck of the plane of war near the island of Wai.

Very Exotic Resort in Raja Ampat
Exotic Resort in Raja Ampat
Generally, tourists who came for a visit to the Raja Ampat Islands are divers mostly from abroad. In addition to the tour, diving for those who cannot dive can also enjoy beautiful beaches, cultural tours, see prehistoric relics in the form of a hand stamp, see nautical festival (usually in August), enjoy the panorama of nature, enjoy the rural atmosphere, culinary tour, see the cenderawasih, climb the Hill, and others.

You will be faced with two options at the time you want to enjoy nature tours Islands in Raja Ampat. The option is an option to stay at a resort, or live in a modified pinisi. If my advice anyway better to choose to use the pinisi, because it was very good stay at the resort, while staying for several days on a ship typical of Indonesia will be a unique experience. To be able to enjoy the Raja Ampat trips for 1 week with the use of pinisi, you will have to pay more than 100 million dollars, and the boat can accommodate up to 14 people.

If you want to travel to the islands of Raja Ampat, not enough only with reckless capital just as often do backpackers. Tour the sights of this underwater paradise dubbed requires desire strong, adventurous spirit, his penchant for going diving, and a goodly big money. The cost of the expensive, also serves to filter the visitors, so that only qualified and educated visitors are coming, so they will be aware of how important this location as one of the most comprehensive flora and fauna in the world.

How To Reach The Raja Ampat Islands

Actually right now to achieve the Raja Ampat Archipelago is not difficult, but it will take quite a long time and considerable expense. When you're in Jakarta, then you have to buy a plane ticket from Jakarta to Slide. The flight will take over 6 hours, and usually will transit first in Makassar or Manado. After arriving on the Slide, you must use a boat to reach the Raja Ampat Islands, it will take approximately 3 hours.

Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia
Raja Ampat, Papua, Indonesia
Cost to rent boats for transportation within the Raja Ampat terra firma is sort of big-ticket, I recommend to travel in teams, ideally one cluster contains eight individuals, in keeping with the capability of the ships utilized in the Raja Ampat Islands. That way, you'll be able to split value|the value|the price} of the rent ship along with your cluster and create cost savings.

If you want more frugality, you can choose to use shipboard from Jakarta to the Slide with the ticket price only about 400,000 Rupiah only. Although inexpensive, this way will take a very long time, because you will stop in several major cities. Travel time by using ships, from Jakarta to Slide is about 1 week.

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